Nickel and Diming Customers

Nickel and Diming Customers

One of the biggest complaints we hear from customers is when they take a tour of a competitor’s venue, and the competitors pricing is too complicated. A charge for the venue, then a charge for tables and chairs, etc. Charleston Sky has worked very hard to have a set...
So Many Choices

So Many Choices

In this day and age, we all have technology at our fingertips 24/7. Wedding Venues will do anything and everything to get you to visit their business. Taking elaborate pics to make their venue look bigger, and nicer than what is really is in person. We pride ourselves...
When Is The Music Too Loud?

When Is The Music Too Loud?

When is the music too loud? Everyone has their favorite song they love to crank the volume up to when it comes on the radio. You know every word, and you sing it just like the artist performing. Right? Well this is all fine, and well when you’re driving home, or even...
When The Party Is Over

When The Party Is Over

What happens when the party is over? After many events at Charleston Sky we have seen a common theme. The Bride and Groom have a wonderful wedding, surrounded by family and friends along with countless hours of preparation by many people. Decorations are brought in by...
Styled Shoot

Styled Shoot

Seeing our venue through the eye of a camera gives you a completely different perspective. Tara, with Tara Swain Photography, LLC did an amazing job capturing the beauty of Charleston Sky. From the handmade chandeliers, to the outside gazebo made from a reclaimed...

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